Mobility and Uptake of Calcium by Plants

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Calcium uptake by the plant is passive and does not require energy input. Calcium mobility in the plant takes places mainly in the xylem, together with water. Therefore, calcium uptake is directly related to the plant transpiration rate.

Conditions of high humidity, cold and a low transpiration rates may result in calcium deficiency. Salinity build-up might also cause calcium deficiency because it decreases the water uptake by the plant.

Since calcium mobility in plants is limited, calcium deficiency will appear in younger leaves (die back or burns) and in fruits (blossom end rot, bitter pit), because they have a very low transpiration rate. Therefore, it is necessary to have a constant supply of calcium for continued growth.

Roles of Calcium in Plants

Calcium is an essential plant nutrient. It has many roles:

  • Participates in metabolic processes of other nutrients uptake.
  • Promotes proper plant cell elongation.
  • Strengthen cell wall structure – calcium is an essential part of plant cell wall.
  • It forms calcium pectate compounds which give stability to cell walls and bind cells together.
  • Participates in enzymatic and hormonal processes.
  • Helps in protecting the plant against heat stress.
  • Calcium improves stomata function and participates in induction of heat shock proteins.
  • Helps in protecting the plant against diseases through stronger cell walls.
  • Effects fruit quality.
  • Has a role in the regulation of the stomata.

Goldsuite have a range of Calcium Suspension Concentrates that are highly concentrated and fully water dispersible. These products are very finely ground so they may be applied through all irrigation types with no blocking of nozzles even in drip irrigation. These products include Calcitic and Dolomitic Lime and Gypsum in liquid form.

#Calcium Suspension Concentrates

Source (Smart Fertilizer Software. Published 12 February 2020)
