Goldsuite visit Flamingo Horticulture in South Africa with Dudutech

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  3. Goldsuite visit Flamingo Horticulture in South Africa with Dudutech

In May Goldsuite’s Management team visited Flamingo Horticulture just outside of Johannesburg, South Africa together with our partners from Dudutech Kenya, Tom Mason and Barnaba Rotich. With our partnership in East Africa continuing to grow the next logical territory for us to work together is in South Africa where both companies have products registered and significant sales potential. Dudutech introduced us to the team at Flamingo who grow chrysanthemums on the site but also pack flowers for retail customers in South Africa.

We were fortunate to have John Meyer give us a tour of their propagating unit, their green houses and pack house which were in full production being a few days before mother’s day in South Africa.
